
NOTE:  We are now meeting physically again, and also continue meeting via Zoom. If you want to join us for our online service, we will need your email address. Please contact us at letter2igor@cloj.org. Blessings for ADONAI’s continued and abundant Shalom.

Welcome to Congregation Lion of Judah’s home on the web. We are a congregation seeking to have a greater understanding of the roots of our faith.  We minister to both Jews and non-Jews who come together in the unity of Yeshua (Jesus the Christ) our Messiah as He expresses in His prayer in John 17:20-23.

Congregation Lion of Judah is committed to a culture that is:

  1. Biblically Based: The Word of Adonai, both Tanakh and the Apostolic writing are the foundation of all truth. The Word of Adonai will accomplish all He has set forth to do. Our part in keeping with our Jewish roots of our faith is to embrace, study, learn and hide His Word in our hearts.
  2. Yeshua Messiah Centered: The Divinity of Yeshua is without Question! Yeshua is the only way to the Father, is Truth, and gives life as intended by Adonai. John 14:6
  3. Holy Spirit Led: Life is a venture successfully accomplished by submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit Who produces the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Galatians 5:22-23
  4. Family Supportive: We are a family, made up of both Jew and Gentile, sharing godly beliefs and values that are taught to each generation (Shema). Deuteronomy 6:4-9
  5. Discipleship Directed: We endeavor to fulfill Yeshua’s directive to “go and make disciples” through intimate, personal relations recognizing the godly worth of each individual. Matthew 28:19-20

Our congregational family believes that it can make a difference in the greater Olympia area by bringing a spirit of love and grace to everyone we meet. We believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel, and it is through knowing Him that we can express unconditional love.

Each Saturday morning at 11:00 AM we gather together to worship Abba our Heavenly Father and Yeshua our Redeemer. We value our times of prayer.  Our worship time brings together hymns of the Christian faith and Messianic music. Our time in the Word of God brings together all 66 books of Scripture. We view the Torah as foundational to all of Scripture. Our focus in all our studies is the Person and Work of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Messiah.

We love to have visitors and look forward to meeting you, your family, and your friends. It might be that all your questions are not answered on this site, so please feel free to call me for more information.

Love in Messiah,
Igor Kurlianov