We believe the Word of the Lord God Almighty is timeless and eternal. We hold His Word to be good instruction, revealing His heart to all mankind throughout our sojourn in this world. We also believe His Word gives us insight to events that unfolded, are unfolding, and are yet to unfold as we await the return of Yeshua as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In this, we believe the biblical feasts of the Lord – His established Appointed Times – reveal His redemptive plan for the world and constitute His agenda with His redeemed people. These appointments (moedim) are “shadows” of the Messiah Yeshua, and are relevant for His followers today, because they never stop pointing to Him throughout life on this earth!
(Click on a Festival name in orange/red below for a brief explanation of its background, festival distinctives, and significance.)
- Purim (Feast of Lots) ——————— sunset Thu. 2/25/2021 – nightfall Fri. 2/26
- Pesach (Passover) ————————- sunset Sat. 3/27/2021 – nightfall Sun. 4/4
- Shavuot (Pentecost) ——————– sunset Sun. 5/16/2021 – nightfall Tue. 5/18
- Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)- sunset Mon. 9/6/2021 – nightfall Wed. 9/8
- Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) —– sunset Wed. 9/15/2021 – nightfall Thu. 9/16
- Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) ——- sunset Mon. 9/29/2021 – nightfall Mon. 9/27
- Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) —– sunset Thu. 12/10/2020 – nightfall Fri. 12/18 (If Service is possible, it will be announced.)